I really love necklaces. I have simple necklaces. I have statement necklaces. I have long necklaces. I have short necklaces. Sometimes it gets confusing how to wear all the different types.
For simplicity sake, today let's focus on the long necklace and the short necklace.
The Long Necklace...

I have worn the Joy Necklace to work, to a fundraiser, and most recently a wedding. I dress it up. I dress it down.
A long necklace is so versatile. It looks best with tank tops, scoop, crew and boat neck tops, and even turtlenecks. A long necklace will lengthen your look (who doesn't want to look taller!?), and adds a little extra fun to an outfit.

The reason I love this one so much? It's simple. It's already layered for me. It has a hint of sparkle without looking "too" dressy which is why it can be worn so many ways.
Okay, now
The Short Necklace...

Short necklaces are perfect for any occasion. But how and when to wear a short necklace? Like the long necklace, it looks best with a crew or scoop neckline, but also with a strapless dress or top.

Why is this Basket Necklace so amazing? It's a new twist on the classic gold chain, plus it's inspired by the classic basket weavings of Nantucket. New England nod? Always.
I've said it before and I will say it again until you remember....do NOT wait to wear your necklaces. As you can see with the Joy and the Basket Necklaces, they don't have to be super colorful and full of "bling" to be beautiful. They can be chic and simple, and you will be AMAZED and how it will liven up a understated top or complement your 'go-to' dress.
Let us know if you have any questions about how or when to wear an accessory....we would love to help!